Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Faith Sings Before the Dawn

Faith is one of the most complex thing for our natural logical soulish mind to understand because faith is processed and felt only in the innermost recesses of our spirit-man which is always God-conscious. The slightest movement of God's lips and the softest touch of His Spirit upon us can only be felt by our spirit-man.

This is the reason God always encourages us to look beyond our natural abilities of our intellect and feed the inner spirit-man with His word so that we can hear the heavenly singing of angelic birds around us even when the dawn that is breaking in our life is still dark (Heb 1:14).

Tagore, the well-known Indian poet, gives us one of the most beautiful definitions of faith ever put into words. He writes:

"Faith is the bird that feels the light,
and sings when the dawn is still dark."

A man of faith is the one who knows great things will happen by the evidence that he sees deep inside his heart and begin to live as though it is at hand, God is pleased and excited to act on behalf of such faith-people who live a venturous lifestyle like this (Heb 11:6; Prov 20:5; 2 Chron 16:9).

It is easy to sing after the dawn breaks forth in to a beautiful sunny morning, but it is truly amazing when a person learns to sing a song of praise and thanksgiving to God when he is in the darkest time of the night before the dawn (Acts 16:22-26; Eph 5:19-20; Col 3:16). In other words, when the going gets tough only the tough men of faith get going.

Be a man and women of faith and put a smile on God's face whenever he sees you from heaven.

If you are a man of faith, you will always have a peaceful twinkle in your eyes, joyful leap in your walk and a melodious song in your mouth. These are all a sign that you are walking by faith and as a result of it you are inline with God's will for your life (2 Cor 5:7; Phil 4:4; 1 Thes 5:16-18).

"While reason is puzzling itself about mystery, faith is turning it to daily bread, and feeding on it thankfully in her heart of hearts." - Frederic Dan Huntington

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