Monday, May 30, 2011

Truth Sets Our Life Free From All Inhibition and Fears

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                .......]█▓[ John 8:32

The TRUTH that JESUS took all our sins on the CROSS and shed His BLOOD to forgive our past, present and our future sins makes us free to live a life of intimacy and friendship with God, the Blood of Jesus MAKES US FREE from guilt and condemnation BY CLEANSING US AGAIN AND AGAIN through a simple step of CONFESSING ALL OUR SINS TO GOD (1 John 1:7, 9). I am thankful to my Lord Jesus for making it happen by HIS GREAT SACRIFICE for me. Today I am free from the power of sin which used to rule over me because of his Love which has covered me and cleanses me from all sins (1 Cor 15:17; Prov 10:12; James 5:20).

Much Love and Blessings of the †,

Abraham Israel

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