Sunday, May 1, 2011

To Be Happy and Rejoicing is a Quality Choice You Make Each Moment

The Bible says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice!" (Phil 4:4, NKJV). This is one of my all time favorite Bible verse. You know why? For us to be happy we only need to take a good choice and not look at the circumstances we are involved in. I am happy always, because with God's help I choose to think positively and make a good choice always not to let my circumstances influence my thought pattern. Praise the Lord! When we make a good choice to rejoice, God responds by releasing a supernatural joy from our spirit-man in to our soul. REJOICE means RELEASE THE JOY WHICH IS WITH IN YOU BY YOUR OWN GOOD CHOICE. Thanks and Blessings.....♥Abi ☺

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