Heaven's Call - While Waiting Are You Ready? Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in “the line” without knowing it. We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line. We can not step out of the line. We can not avoid the line. So while we wait in line - Make moments count. Make priorities. Make the time. Make your gifts known. Make a nobody feel like a somebody. Make your voice heard. Make the small things big. Make someone smile. Make the change. Make love. Make up. Make peace. Make sure to tell your people they are loved. Make sure to have no regrets. Make sure you are ready. Much Blessing.... O.o°<*)>>>=[ www.apostolicrevelation.info ] =<<<(*>°o.O
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Are You Ready? This stopped me in my tracks!
Heaven's Call Nearer Than We Think, Get Ready...!
Monday, September 10, 2018
God Knows The Soft Spot Of Everyone To Touch Them Intimately!
The Story Of A White Rose
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
One evening a man was on his way to speak at a Gospel meeting in London. He was hurriedly passing along the Thames Embankment and noticed a young woman mourning deep in thought within a hundred yards of the hall. His attention was arrested; at first he hesitated but then felt prompted to speak to her, asking her to pardon his apparent rudeness in addressing her. He invited her to the meeting close by, saying no one would interfere to stop her leaving at any time, and promised a cup of hot coffee and bun.
The young woman indignantly resented his interruption and declined the invitation. Shortly before this encounter, the man had a tea with a lady who presented him with a white rose. His hostess had been so persistent and some power seemed to have compelled him to accept so he had yielded. Removing it from his coat, he turned and asked that the young lady would accept it. She finally did grasp the beautiful flower, and as the lamp shone on her sorrow-stricken face, he noticed a falling tear. Giving her the name of the street where the hall was situated and saying goodbye, he left her, hoping she would still attend the meeting.
When the gentleman had finished speaking later that evening, he spotted the young woman in the hall. After another worker had concluded, she rose as though she had something to say and yet was afraid; nevertheless, she told her story.
The young lady had been standing on the embankment deciding whether to go back into the haunts of vice and immorality in which she had lived for five years, in sin of the most wretched and degrading kind, or end all by throwing herself into the Thames. She had all but decided to drown herself when the gentleman spoke to her and aroused her from her wicked thoughts. After repeatedly pressing her to accompany him to the meeting and her refusal, he asked that she accept a beautiful white rose—the same pure white flower her widowed mother gave her five years before in their village home in north England, far from the sinful city. It was her mother’s favourite flower, and she had remarked, “Ellen, my dear girl, you are leaving your poor lone mother, much against her wish, to roam, I very much fear, into sin, and when you are far away from her, and you ever see a white rose, always remember your mother’s parting gift to you will be followed by fervent prayer for the return of her sinful child. Day nor night shall I cease to pray that God may bring you home a saved child.”
Ellen, the young woman, had often thought of her mother and her words and had had to stifle her conscience many times, and while considering that awful step that night, she had thought of her. “I pray to God to forgive me the sorrow this night’s act would have caused her,” she said. “This pure sweet rose brought me to my senses. I gazed at it, kissed it, moaned over it, felt powerless to resist coming to this meeting, and I’ve been listening to the invitations to ‘Come to Jesus,’ and I feel I dare not go from here without salvation; if Christ will only extend His mercy to one so deep in sin and immorality as I am.”
The Christian workers began to speak to her about John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Ellen listened eagerly to this, then burst into tears and fell on her knees, imploring in deep anguish that God would save her soul. The Christians joined in prayer, then left her with God, with whom she was pleading for forgiveness. She eventually became more calm and subdued, and then quietly rising she exclaimed, “Oh, mother, your long-lost child will return to you saved by believing in the merits of a crucified Saviour.”
That night she was given shelter and on the next day the news was communicated to Ellen’s mother who was overcome with joy and thankfulness at the glad news. She was given a place among Christians where she was able to live happy in Christ and a consistent life, seeking to lead others to the same precious Saviour. And Ellen could always after remember and thank God for the gift of the white rose.
—From 100 Thrilling Tales by Hy. Pickering
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Wednesday, September 5, 2018
History of The Modern Pentecostal Movement
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
The Azusa Street Revival was a historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in Los Angeles, California and is the origin of the Pentecostal movement. William Joseph Seymour was an African American from Louisiana and was a son of a former slave who had severe case of smallpox which left him blind in one eye and a disfigured face. He was born May 2, 1870 in Centerville Louisiana. The Revival began with a meeting on April 9, 1906, and continued until roughly 1915. It came to be known as the birthplace of the Pentecostal Movement Revival and the birth of a spiritual renewal that hit around the world.
May God help us to seek for an apostolic revival in our present day just like they sought God with their whole heart for more of Him in this Pentecostal revival out of which we have all come, remembering that with God all things are possible and that if we continue to ask, seek and knock, we will receive what we have asked, sought and knocked God for, as He is faithful to provide when we are persistent with faith which only pleases Him!
Much Blessings....
Monday, September 3, 2018
Can A Person Be A Businessman And A Pastor At The Same Time? At least Here It Is Possible It Seems!
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
When a Pastor has studied MBA, and have chosen to PREACH & TEACH, probably this is how his future sermon might look like ...
1) "The Universe" is an organisation.
a) Trinity - Founders/Top Management.
b) Angels - Employees.
c) Satan - Senior Manager - Department of Praise & Worship.
2) Trinity worked hard and created customers (people) on location "Earth".
3) One day, Senior Manager got ambitious and tried to take over company.
4) Top Management found out and fired him, along with his supporters.
5) Satan, having no job (jobless), established his own company - Satan & Co.
6) Satan & Co formulated their vision, mission & policies against the Founder of The Universe.
7) He wanted to benchmark his performance against Trinity's performance to gain Trinity's customers.
8) Satan's marketing strategy - To offer products that please people's senses.
9) The most dangerous side effect of Satan's products - Deterioration in customer's spiritual health & morale.
10) Plan worked, and Satan & Co rapidly gained competitive advantage.
11) Trinity saw its customers being exploited and decided to personally confront them.
12) Jesus Christ, the one and only begotten Son of the Founder, was sent to represent the Founder, to warn customers of the harmful effects of consuming Satan's products.
13) Customers heavily influenced by Satan's technical strategies, rejected the warnings.
14) Satan & Co, in fear of losing everything, decided to stop the Representative from exposing the truth and eliminated Him.
15) Trinity paid a consideration, much bigger than money (Representative's blood), as a price to purchase all of their customers back.
16) The Founder of The Universe made a fresh, heavy investment to bring back the eliminated Representative into the competition, and succeeded.
17) Also, since the customers were bought by the blood of Founder's own one and only begotten Son, they were given the privilege of being adopted and registered as rightful heirs to the Founder.
a) (The customers also became equity shareholders (co-owners) and will receive their dividends whenever they invest into the company.)
18) Satan & Co is still trying to bounce back, (but the contract has been signed by Jesus' blood), so unfortunately for Satan, his company is scheduled to be liquidated on a specified period of time in future. Praise the Lord!
19) The biggest deal of all history has been done, and the benefactors are becoming the beneficiaries of the expanding Kingdom of the Trinity.
20) Take a rightful stake and enough stock of the company on your side by taking your role in the Kingdom business of heaven and continue to do it faithfully until the Founders/Top Management of the organisation of the Universe that runs it meticulously arrives on earth to promote you and reestablish you with a reward that is surprisingly out of this world in the new heaven and new earth which will then become an eternal settlement.
21) Invest now in the Kingdom Business and be rewarded eternally forever and ever!
Much Love and Blessings,
God's Kingdom Business Ambassador
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Science and God!
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
An atheist scientist came to God and said, "We've figured out how to make a man without you."
God said, "OK, let me see you do it."
So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, "Oh, no you don't. Get your own dirt!"
The bottom line is that no matter how brainy the community of scientists are, they do not create, but they just invent, discover and recreate what has been created by God.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Are Men Superior To Woman? Does Christianity Support It?
Boys Are Boys, Girls Are Girls, Both Are Equally Special But Purposefully Different!
A Pregnant Woman to her Husband - "Dear, I am going to have our baby in two months, aren't you excited?"
Husband - "Of course! A lot sweetheart, I can't wait for that moment."
Pregnant wife - "But still you haven't told me what you are expecting... will it be a boy or girl?"
Husband - "(hahaha) does it make any difference?"
Pregnant wife - "No it doesn't, but still everyone has some things... like, if it will be a boy I will do this or if it would be a girl I will do this and so on."
Husband - "Oh! That way? Oh yes, I have some things in my mind about that."
Pregnant wife - "Really! Tell me too."
Husband - "If we have a boy, I will teach him all mischievous things. I will teach him my trade, we will go for sports, I will teach him driving and so on."
Pregnant wife - "Ha.. Ha ... And what what if its a girl?"
Husband - "If we have a girl... I will not have to teach her anything."
Pregnant wife - "Why?"
Husband - "Because she will be the one who will teach me all the things, again...like how to dress, how to eat, what to say... what not to say. In short, she will be my second mom...and She will consider me as her hero even if I do not do anything special, She will always understand when I will refuse her for something. She will always compare her husband to be me. No matter how old she will be... she will always want that I should treat her like my baby doll. She will fight with the world for me and if someone will hurt me, she will never forgive that person...
Pregnant wife - "So you mean to say that your daughter will do all those things but your son will not?"
Husband - "No.. no! May be he will do the same but he will learn to do them. But daughters are born with it. Being the father of a daughter is the pride for any man."
Pregnant wife - "But darling, she will not be with us forever."
Husband - "Yes, but we will be with her, in her heart, forever. So it really doesn't make a difference where she goes.
Daughters are Angels... Born with Unconditional Love & Care...Forever!
— Author Unknown
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Be Amazed By Babies, Dogies, And Catties!
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
Babies are the closest thing to heaven. It is wonderful to see how these ones are excited with the little doggies and catties. The Kingdom of God is full of joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. In the immortal words of Jesus, he cried out to those who tried to despise the little children saying, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Thus only as we realize how innocent these children are as they trust God and those around them, then we can recognize that the Kingdom of heaven already belongs to these little ones. In the midst of them there is always a joy and peace and righteousness present by the grace of God. So whether unborn babies or little babies or children, the Lord is very much interested in their lives and none should be despised by anybody who thinks that he knows all things. As the Word of God says, if we think that we know all things, then that is the very evidence to all, that we know nothing as we ought to know according to God.
#Neverkillaunborn #Stopchildabuse
Much Blessings....
Dog Can't Contain His Excitement Over New Toy
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
"Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, become soaked in His Presence until you are filled with joy overflowing!" (Php 4:4, Abi's Translation).
May you always be more excited to get in to God's Presence than this dog is excited to play with the tennis ball and the throwing toy!
Much Blessings....
Friday, August 10, 2018
God Sits And Watches Over You, To Keep You Safe Through The Fires Of Trials!
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
God will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver
Malachi 3:3 says: 'He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.' This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.
Demonstration by a silversmith
One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The silversmith explains the process of refining
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
How do you know when the silver is fully refined?
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it, then I know its fully refined!.......'If today you are feeling the heat of the fire , remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.
Pass this on this very moment
Pass this on this very moment to someone needs to know that God is watching over him/her. And, whatever he/she is going through will make him/her a better person in the end. Jesus loves you... and so do I!
Much Blessings....
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Are You Really Rich Enough To Stay Like That Forever?
Rich Son, Poor Dad!
Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ ℐᾔ﹩℘ḯґαт☤☺η :
"A human becomes poor in his mind within before he can ever truly become one on the outside. God is the God who created both the rich and the poor, because God wants them all to realize that what is there is given to buy what is not there. In other words, a rich person can exchange his earthly goods for eternal gain by helping the poor who is in need, or a poor person who is rich in faith can exchange his eternal goods that money cannot buy to help the rich become truly eternally rich. When God is realized as the common factor who can only connect justly and do justice to the inequality of the wealth of this world, then poverty will become a thing of the past as God is able to to provide all the needs of everyone because of His love for them all." — Abraham Israel
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Thursday, July 26, 2018
Apostolic Inspiration
💚I LOVE THIS this and LIKE YOU BE BLESSED, so am sharing with you:-
Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. - That is the attitude!
Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship with God that sustains your relationship with others who are with you and around you. It's not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the very end.
Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on what you make with them; a Wall or a Bridge? - Remember when we take the responsibility to become the architect of building a bridge for our own life and others, God becomes the supplier of all things to help us build it.
Search for a good heart, but don't search for a beautiful face, because beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful. Beautiful heart is more important than a beautiful face!
It’s not important how you have failed, but it is absolutely essential whether you have risen back to walk again for the Glory of God. Real failure is not failing again, but it is giving up.
Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end, remember God and pray, it’s just a bend, not the end.
Have faith and have a successful life. One of the basic differences between God and humans is, God gives, gives and forgives. But the human gets, gets, gets and forgets. Be thankful in life for what you have...rejoice for who you are as a child of God and pray for what you can become for the Glory of God.
If u think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realize that it is the Grace of God that woke you up.
If you are grateful to God, forward this to all your love ones to inform them that it is JUST BY THE GRACE OF GOD that we are alive and well today...💚
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