Saturday, May 5, 2012

Great Truths About Tithing

Åρ☺ṧ☂◎ℓї¢ TrUtH :

Tithing in itself has no great value in the eyes of God unless it is given to God in gratitude for what He has already done for us. The motives behind the tithe is more important to God than tithe itself. But when we give to God in gratitude, God gives us back more than enough so that we can be a continual blessing to others. Tithing should be done in gratitude cheerfully and never in compulsion. God loves not a greedy giver expecting more like a lottery but a cheerful giver who gives out of thankfulness and gratitude.

Attitude of gratitude is the altar of sacrifice over which any sacrifice, tithe or service to God will be acceptable to him. Once this basic is right, all other things we do for God will become pleasing to Him as sweet smelling incense. Blessings....

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